Aslyn’s Moor Gold (Brecken) is a 2013 bay purebred Irish Draught Mare. Brecken has been ridden in the past, and is sound, so could be a riding horse. She has been a broodmare for the last 3 years.
Brecken is in foal to Bell Tower Banrion’s Hero for a July 2025 foal. She currently has a filly foal at foot that could be sold with her. Or, she could be sold after her filly foal has been weaned early December 2024.
Brecken is an easy broodmare, an easy keeper, and an excellent mom. She is barefoot with no soundness issues.
If you are interested in adding Brecken to your broodmare herd there are a number of options.
After her current foal is weaned in December Brecken will be able to leave and purchase price for the mare in foal for 2025 is $25,000
If you would like to buy Brecken with her current foal at foot, she is available before December with her 2024 foal for $32,000